In Pursuit of Excellence
Prof. Dr. S.K.Paknikar, a Post-Doctorate Research Fellow in Organic Chemistry from the University of Arizona, Tuscon and the Checoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, a DAAD fellow from Germany and a National fellow of the University Grants Commission (UGC) India, is a well known and respected name in the field of Natural Sciences and Organic Chemistry.
Even at the age of 82, he continues his pursuit of excellence in Chemistry – being a successful Industry Consultant with a few key industrial organizations, national & international.
Prof. Dr. Paknikar left the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai for Goa in 1970. Since then, it’s been forty six years that the family has settled in the beautiful city of Panaji, Goa. After over four decades of sheer dedication and passion for the subject in which he has had rich success, as an academician of repute and a successful industry consultant, you would expect Prof. Paknikar to lead a retired life – but he prefers to work and still research his passion.
With several research publications in journals of repute and accolades of both his peers in India, & internationally as well, no less a person than Chemistry Nobel Laureate Barry Sharpless.pdf recognized Prof. Paknikar’s contribution to Chemistry in one of his visits to the Goa University.
Prof. Paknikar officially retired from the Goa University in 1995 when he was at the pinnacle of his distinguished academic & administrative career- as the Vice Chancellor of the University, Dean, Faculty of Natural Sciences & Head of the Chemistry Department, Goa University.
Even at the age of 82, he continues his pursuit of excellence in Chemistry – being a successful Industry Consultant with a few key industrial organizations, national & international.
A Documentary on
Prof. S. K. Paknikar

A Tribute to
Prof. Robert B. Bates

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